Riot Games has fined TSM CEO Andy “Reginald” Dinh for verbal abuse and bullying

Jul 30, 2022

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TSM finds itself in trouble.

Andy “Reginald” Dinh, the main owner and CEO of TSM, has been fined $75,000 and ordered to complete executive and sensitivity training, according to Riot Games, who conducted a comprehensive investigation. This comes after Riot published its conclusions about the recent complaints against Reginald regarding verbal harassment and bullying of both TSM players and staff in a competitive ruling post.

All of this occurred as a result of claims made publicly against the former professional player-turned-owner by a former TSM player. These claims include charges of berating and bullying TSM staff members and players. The accusations even go so far as to claim that Reginald’s verbal abuse of the players and staff caused public stress, mental breakdowns, and other things as a result of it. Through the NA LCS Players’ Association, additional persons have since come forward with accusations identical to those made against Reginald.

In a tweet from LCS official twitter page:



“Competitive Ruling: Andy Dinh

Read now at:”

Even though TSM did its own research, the release on May 27 still needed more improvement. However, Reginald “provided feedback to employees, including players, in an aggressive and harsh tone.” according to the probe’s final report, which prompted Riot to launch its own independent investigation into the situation.

Interviewing 14 different people, including Reginald, was part of this. Along with all the complainants listed by the Players’ Association, this also included any other parties noted during the interviews. What Riot had to say regarding their findings was as follows:

Based upon the conclusions we drew from the reporting of our independent investigators, we believe that there was a pattern and practice of disparaging and bullying behavior exhibited by Dinh. This included verbally abusing pro players and TSM staff members and communicating in a demeaning and belittling manner. Nearly all of the witnesses agreed that Dinh’s outbursts and abuse were generally limited to a player or staff member’s perceived performance. None of the witnesses recall any situation in which Dinh’s abusive behavior focused on a protected class (race, gender, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc) and there were no reports of actual or threatened physical abuse towards any TSM player or staff member. Pursuant to our scope of investigation, the above findings leave us to determine the severity of Dinh’s behavior and the appropriate remedy in this situation.”

The US$75,000 fine issued against TSM is triple the maximum penalty for behavior unworthy of an LCS member. The LCS will contribute the fine to a suitable organization that promotes mental health and/or anti-bullying, as determined with the Players’ Association. Within 60 days of Reginald finishing his sensitivity and executive training, TSM will also be expected to present proof.

Not only that, but he will also serve the following two years of probation across the Riot ecosystem. To ensure that every TSM employee may report incidents of Reginald’s abuse in confidence, an impartial monitor will be appointed. Reginald will face heavier punishments if Riot finds any evidence of his breaking the terms of his probation.

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