K1 Is Penalized by Valve for Using a Racial Slur in Public Matching

Jul 22, 2022

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Héctor Antonio “K1” Rodrguez will not be able to represent beastcoast in the Dota Pro Circuit Summer Tour’s championship match.

The South America regional league’s organizers, Valve and 4D Esports, have penalized K1 for using a racial epithet towards Kim “Febby” Yong-min on July 11 during a pub game.

In a tweet by 4D Esports:

4D Esports


“Dear community, we share with you the official information regarding the sanction that @beastcoast will receive on their next series.

(ENG at the end)”

*Photo containing 4D Esports’ statement”

Contents of photo:

“A la comunidad:

Hacemos pública la decisión en conjunto con Valve de sancionar a la escuadra de Beastcoast en su siguiente enfrentamiento contra Thunder Awaken, debido a los comentarios realizados por Héctor “K1” Rodríguez, la cual dicta lo siguiente: 

Beastcoast no podrá jugar la serie Bo 3 de este viernes 15 de julio con Héctor “K1” Rodríguez. Un suplente deberá ser escogido para su reemplazo.

To the community: 

We publicly share with you the joint decision with Valve to punish Beastcoast in the next series against Thunder Awaken, regarding the derogatory comments made by Héctor “K1” Rodríguez. The sanction will be:

Beastcoast won’t be able to play the 15th of July series against Thunder Awaken with Héctor “K1” Rodríguez. A stand-in must be chosen to replace him.”

In a public game, K1 and Febby were paired together as positions 1 and 5, respectively, and forced to lane together. That didn’t work out so well, which irritated K1, who began to advise Febby to either avoid the lane’s creeps to gain more experience or pull the lane. The argument got out of hand to the point that K1 called Febby a racist epithet for which Valve had barred Carlo “Kuku” Palad from participating in the Chongqing Major in 2018.

In a tweet by Pancho Justo:

Pancho Justo 🖊


“K1 llama “ChingChong” a Febby durante una partida ranked y es acusado de racismo.

Recordemos que en el 2018 a Kuku se le baneó de una Major justamente por realizar el mismo comentario.

Hasta el momento, ni @beastcoast ni K1 se han pronunciado al respecto.”


“K1 calls Febby “ChingChong” during a ranked match and is accused of racism.

 Let’s remember that in 2018 Kuku was banned from a Major precisely for making the same comment.

 So far, neither @beastcoast nor K1 have commented on the matter.”

K1 allegedly hurried to send Febby an apology for his conduct and the racist remarks, but he also said that he didn’t feel very outraged at the time because toxic behavior in Dota 2 has become rather prevalent.

In a tweet by Kim “Febby” Yong-min:

Yongmin Kim


“K1 did give a sincere apology to me through dms and I accepted. Perdonally I didn’t feel that offended as I know It’s very normal in dota to be toxic to your tanked teammates/didnt even know c word was offensive before few years ago.”

Additionally, Febby said that the public matchmaking has become so hostile that he has been playing more VALORANT recently and less Dota 2 as a result.

Beastcoast issued an official statement a few days after the incident, stating that the company “does not tolerate derogatory speech in any capacity,” and that they are “taking the required course of disciplinary action,” although they never stated specifically what those disciplinary steps were.

In a tweet from Beastcoast’s official twitter page:



*Tweet contains 2 photos*

Contents of first photo:

“We’re deeply disappointed to learn that K1 used a racial slur in a pub game against Febby the week of July 11.

Beastcoast does not tolerate derogatory speech in any capacity. We are taking the necessary course of disciplinary action and are committed to providing continued education for our players.

We must hold ourselves accountable as we move forward into a better and more inclusive esports industry.”

Contents of second photo:

“Estamos profundamente decepcionados de enterarnos que K1 usó una frase racista contra Febby la seman del 11 de julio.

Beastcoast no tolera comentarios denigrantes de ninguna forma y está tomando las medidas necesarias en términos de disciplinas y educación.

Tenemos que hacernos responsables de nuestros representantes mientras avanzamos a una industria de esports con más aceptación e inclusion.”

Inflicting punishment on K1 on the day when Beastcoast is scheduled to play their final DPC series may determine whether or not they compete in the PGL Arlington Major.

With a 5-1 series record, beastcoast and Thunder Awaken are presently tied for top place in the SA regional league. This evening’s direct encounter between these two will determine which one takes first place in the area and which one drops to second.

Infamous are still in the running for one of the two seats the SA area is offering the PGL Arlington Major. Infamous will force a two-way decisive tiebreaker with the losing side of Thunder Awaken vs. beastcoast if they defeat Hokori tonight, who are already demoted to Division 2 due to their overall 1-5 record on this Tour.

Wolf Team73043

Beastcoast must defeat Thunder Awaken in their final DPC series to prevent any further issues and the danger of being disqualified from the Arlington Major only due to K1’s misconduct from July 11.

The match between Thunder Awaken and Beastcoast will start at 17:00 GMT+5/00:00 CEST on July 15. Beastcoast has not yet revealed who would replace K1 in the match, which is scheduled to start in a few hours.

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